The Delight of Low-Light Photography - $5 The new video mini-workshop - $5

This is a very popular book at $5 as Low Light Photography has become extremely popular with the advent of Digital Photography.

Low-Light photography means experiencing the day at wonder filled times. The actual feeling when we are there is impossible to express in words and the over-riding key point of low-light photography is to ‘be there!’
In the early mornings (and especially in winter) bed is oh so warm and comfortable. The temptation to postpone our photography until tomorrow can be great. If we do succumb we will miss one of the major benefits of our hobby. Wherever we are in the world the early hours of the day can be magic. Almost a feeling of solitude and re-birth…


This 40 minute mini workshop video provides an excellent introduction to the popular genre. It may just be all you need. Includes numerous hints and tips as well as many illustrative images. A wonderfully easy to  follow production.